I think it's time I wrote anotha BLOG!!! Just in case someone decides to follow me! Wow it's a kind of a big deal for me... The pressure's already kickin' in... MUST WRITE SOMETHING POSITIVE YET FUNNY AND READABLE!!! Ok...Here I go....
I like giving, I am thankful for what I have. One thing about me is that I don't talk a lot about everything I have and am grateful for too much... When you're stressed all you think about is what you don't have. It makes one completely overlook all of their blessings! I AM SOOOOOO BLESSED and I MUST tell the whole wide world what I am grateful for!!!
1) My Family- I don't live WITH my family- as a matter of fact, I haven't lived with them for about 10 years now! I was one of those kids who suffered from a parental divorce and had to grow up in numerous foster homes, separated from all but one out of 9 siblings. It was sooooooooooo hard, but I survived it. I made it out alive and I have a few scars but I'm okay. =) I don't get to talk to most of my family members and I don't get to see many of them at all now because of their geographical locations and our crazy hectic schedules, but I LOVE ALL OF THEM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH and I always think about them and I always pray for them and I'm trying my best to be a good example for all of them.
2) My friends- Every person I know is my friend. Every friend is a BEST friend to me. I like to get to know each person on a one-on-one basis. I never hang out with just one crowd or clique, and I always make sure that no one stands alone. I like to find someone who's standing on their own, introduce myself to them and ten introduce the to other people. This may sound silly and simple, but people have formed lifelong relationships and friendships simply by my selflessness. I'm NEVER too good to hang out with the uncool person; I'm never too cool to hang out with just popular people. I am a fabulous matchmaker and have put together some amazingly cute couples, and many have gotten married from it! Selflessness means everything to me, no matter how uncool it seems. =) I love my friends. I may not always get what I give, but my life's motive has always been to "be the friend you've always wanted" and "be the change you want to see in the world." Who knows? I may have caused others to do the same thing... I may not have. As long as I'm doing my part and being kind and friendly and welcoming to all, I know I'm doing the right thing.
3) My Job- It's amazing. I am a receptionist at a Chiropractor's office. Brother Mortensen from my Church, formally known as Dr. Mortensen, is an amazing leader to me. He's an amazing boss and his wife is the sweetest lady ever!!!! I love them so much and I admire them and I really am grateful for them in my life. I love all mypatients, and I know almost all of them by name. They are all so nice to me and I'm able to associate with all of them on personal levels. I'm grateful that my good works and accomplishments do not go unnoticed at work, and I like being able to ask the doctor for health advice, Church advice, career advice, advice about boys, etc. It's great.
4) My car- I'm grateful to have it. It's nice and cute and has leopard-spotted interior. =) Any girl's dream car. This was made for me.
5) My pink cell phone- self explanatory. I'm a girl and I like pink and I like to talk and text. Is that fair enough? =)
6) My Scriptures- My treasure chest that I can take with me wherever I go... I can open them up and read my destiny and find even hidden treasures in them!! They are my road map, my tour guide for life, my comfort when I'm sad, my joy when I'm happy. They protect me from sin and temptation and they bring me closer to God. They will lead me Home someday if I follow it's advice.
7) My God- I love my Heavenly Father SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! He has placed so many anchors in my life to stop me from going the wrong way... He has blessed me with literally all that I need to survive. There's literally NO WAY POSSIBLE that I could have gone through SO MUCH hardships and trials in life from a child to an adult without Heavenly Help. My Father loves me and I am proud to say that I a His daughter. I look forward to going Home someday to the family that I've tried so hard to search for in real life and never feeling like an orphan again. I know that good things await me after this life, so for now I'm taking advantage of life and having a blast celebrating all the Blessings I have and sharing as much as I can with others. I know that my Father in Heaven is the creator of the Universe, and he has made worlds without number, gazillions of people, yet he knows me by name, cares about me, is aware of me, and knows what is best for me. He loves me and wants me to be happy- and He provides me with all I need AND MORE. =D!!!!
8) The Gospel- It's true. That's all I can say. I promise. This Gospel has brought me more happiness than any other church I've ever been to. The world may hate Mormons, may think our doctrine is incorrect, may do all they can to rage against us, but we all know it's true. We've all developed Testimonies about it and we have all received answers to our prayers when we inquired to know of its truthfulness. It just is. Miracles ARE REAL. God is real. This Gospel is true.
9) My college- I absolutely hate school- I confess. I don't like the whole "getting up early" thing...I'm a huge procrastinator and I'm really bad at making deadlines. But I love the fact that my school is paid for and the fact that I get to discipline myself t learn and to think more critically and to expand my knowledge and grow in wisdom. It's a major blessing for me and I love it.
10) My trials- This may be kind of weird, but I a grateful for every trial I've ever been through. I am still alive today, which means I did something right. I survived them. I got through them. I am living proof that it IS possible to overcome trials in life. I want the world to know that no matter how much pain you feel, no matter how stressed you are or how hard life seems, it's just a small moment compared to our long lives. In a moment it is all gone and you're standing there, a new person, ready to take on something much larger. Overcoming trials are hard in the process, but once it's done, the reward is great. Even if there's not an outcome, YOU are the benefit. Someone else may be blessed by your efforts. It's just, amazing how we can, in all reality, accomplish ANYTHING we want. Believe in yourself and Believe in God. That's my advice to everyone. These things make us who we are today, and whether we want to be happy and live with a positive attitude towards life or an old grump, it's all up to us.
I like giving, I am thankful for what I have. One thing about me is that I don't talk a lot about everything I have and am grateful for too much... When you're stressed all you think about is what you don't have. It makes one completely overlook all of their blessings! I AM SOOOOOO BLESSED and I MUST tell the whole wide world what I am grateful for!!!
1) My Family- I don't live WITH my family- as a matter of fact, I haven't lived with them for about 10 years now! I was one of those kids who suffered from a parental divorce and had to grow up in numerous foster homes, separated from all but one out of 9 siblings. It was sooooooooooo hard, but I survived it. I made it out alive and I have a few scars but I'm okay. =) I don't get to talk to most of my family members and I don't get to see many of them at all now because of their geographical locations and our crazy hectic schedules, but I LOVE ALL OF THEM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH and I always think about them and I always pray for them and I'm trying my best to be a good example for all of them.
2) My friends- Every person I know is my friend. Every friend is a BEST friend to me. I like to get to know each person on a one-on-one basis. I never hang out with just one crowd or clique, and I always make sure that no one stands alone. I like to find someone who's standing on their own, introduce myself to them and ten introduce the to other people. This may sound silly and simple, but people have formed lifelong relationships and friendships simply by my selflessness. I'm NEVER too good to hang out with the uncool person; I'm never too cool to hang out with just popular people. I am a fabulous matchmaker and have put together some amazingly cute couples, and many have gotten married from it! Selflessness means everything to me, no matter how uncool it seems. =) I love my friends. I may not always get what I give, but my life's motive has always been to "be the friend you've always wanted" and "be the change you want to see in the world." Who knows? I may have caused others to do the same thing... I may not have. As long as I'm doing my part and being kind and friendly and welcoming to all, I know I'm doing the right thing.
3) My Job- It's amazing. I am a receptionist at a Chiropractor's office. Brother Mortensen from my Church, formally known as Dr. Mortensen, is an amazing leader to me. He's an amazing boss and his wife is the sweetest lady ever!!!! I love them so much and I admire them and I really am grateful for them in my life. I love all my
4) My car- I'm grateful to have it. It's nice and cute and has leopard-spotted interior. =) Any girl's dream car. This was made for me.
5) My pink cell phone- self explanatory. I'm a girl and I like pink and I like to talk and text. Is that fair enough? =)
6) My Scriptures- My treasure chest that I can take with me wherever I go... I can open them up and read my destiny and find even hidden treasures in them!! They are my road map, my tour guide for life, my comfort when I'm sad, my joy when I'm happy. They protect me from sin and temptation and they bring me closer to God. They will lead me Home someday if I follow it's advice.
7) My God- I love my Heavenly Father SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! He has placed so many anchors in my life to stop me from going the wrong way... He has blessed me with literally all that I need to survive. There's literally NO WAY POSSIBLE that I could have gone through SO MUCH hardships and trials in life from a child to an adult without Heavenly Help. My Father loves me and I am proud to say that I a His daughter. I look forward to going Home someday to the family that I've tried so hard to search for in real life and never feeling like an orphan again. I know that good things await me after this life, so for now I'm taking advantage of life and having a blast celebrating all the Blessings I have and sharing as much as I can with others. I know that my Father in Heaven is the creator of the Universe, and he has made worlds without number, gazillions of people, yet he knows me by name, cares about me, is aware of me, and knows what is best for me. He loves me and wants me to be happy- and He provides me with all I need AND MORE. =D!!!!
8) The Gospel- It's true. That's all I can say. I promise. This Gospel has brought me more happiness than any other church I've ever been to. The world may hate Mormons, may think our doctrine is incorrect, may do all they can to rage against us, but we all know it's true. We've all developed Testimonies about it and we have all received answers to our prayers when we inquired to know of its truthfulness. It just is. Miracles ARE REAL. God is real. This Gospel is true.
9) My college- I absolutely hate school- I confess. I don't like the whole "getting up early" thing...I'm a huge procrastinator and I'm really bad at making deadlines. But I love the fact that my school is paid for and the fact that I get to discipline myself t learn and to think more critically and to expand my knowledge and grow in wisdom. It's a major blessing for me and I love it.
10) My trials- This may be kind of weird, but I a grateful for every trial I've ever been through. I am still alive today, which means I did something right. I survived them. I got through them. I am living proof that it IS possible to overcome trials in life. I want the world to know that no matter how much pain you feel, no matter how stressed you are or how hard life seems, it's just a small moment compared to our long lives. In a moment it is all gone and you're standing there, a new person, ready to take on something much larger. Overcoming trials are hard in the process, but once it's done, the reward is great. Even if there's not an outcome, YOU are the benefit. Someone else may be blessed by your efforts. It's just, amazing how we can, in all reality, accomplish ANYTHING we want. Believe in yourself and Believe in God. That's my advice to everyone. These things make us who we are today, and whether we want to be happy and live with a positive attitude towards life or an old grump, it's all up to us.
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