It's dark..
..and cold..
..I can't hear anything but my breath and my heart beating fast. Where am I?
I'm on a boat!!!
JK JK JK I should probably turn on a light.. Just got home LOL.
How long has it been since I moved here, anyways?? Wowww I feel like a cast away or a prisoner who scratches into the wall (with their bare fingernails) a mark for every day they stay isolated.. Haa well Utah is not THAT bad. I am making many new friends here and I really like that. I've been dancing all night with hundreds of people. I work at Studio 600 and I get to help promote it online.
Lemme tell you a little bit about Studio 600. I think it's an AMAZING place. A Splendid idea!!! (Ok that sounded nerdy) Studio 600 is a non-alcoholic club located in the center of Salt Lake City. They don't serve anything but water and energy drinks. Lots of young adults come here on the weekends and dance, meet people, and have fun. AND they actually GO HOME afterwards. That's what I like about it. (Mothers you don't have to be so worried about your kids now!) The owner is Mormon and despite how some people think a club without drinks is lame, I REALLY admire my boss. He enforces LDS standards to everyone who goes in- that is, no drinking, smoking, drug usage, no inappropriate behavior, and everyone who goes in MUST dress modestly. I really like the fact that these rules are enforced. This one man has a great vision in mind for this place and he has made a difference in so many people's lives-- think about it:
This eliminates all the bad, rude nasty people who hang around clubs just to do bad stuff. It eliminates all the druggies and the gangsters. Its is not a Mormon-only club, he just wants good people there- people to come and go and Remember how much fun they had the night before. HUNDREDS of married couples today have met there and many people who are dating happily have met there also. It's honestly a Good Place and a good cause. Why not help promote it to EVERYONE in Salt Lake City?? I also get to go to all their dances free which is totally awesome =) I like Studio 600.
Besides that, I just took my first 2 exams at school. It's only been 2 weeks since school started!!! Ugh I have a lonnnnnng way to go. I hate semester systems with a passion. Its like, 10 weeks at a quarter-system school and "YOU'RE DONE!!! Peace out, Professor!!! Have a nice life!!!" **insert fireworks and rejoicing young adults dancing here** =D But a semester system.... Ughhhhh it's lonnnnnnnnng and laaaaaaaaame and it goes on for about 20 weeks!!! Blehh..
On a good note, I went to the Salt Lake City Temple last Tuesday and it was BEYOND AMAZING!!!!!!! =D It's Beautiful inside and everyone there was so nice!!! I seriously had a stiff sore face afterwards from all my smiling. PLUS I met people there who took me out to ice cream afterwards! Total strangers!!! They were Super nice and-- Oh man I just love how it's easy for me to make friends. I'm so glad I am a nice person and am not too reserved or too shy to talk to people. It makes all the difference while being out here and helps me not feel alone.. As Otus the cow in Barnyard puts it: "It starts with a smile and slowly BUILDS!!!" =D
I had fun at the dance tonight.. It's 3am right now. I just got home. I was dressed up like a break dancer and I made all these friends with the B-boys and they're teaching me a few new moves. Haa just WAIT til I come to California and show everyone what I got!!! =D Wooo I can't wait. Haa OK OK I'll go to sleep now...
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzz... ;)
I wish we could also have a club like Studio 600 in India. Hey Corri your really doing a wonderful job. I appreciate you for the work which your doing.
ReplyDelete=D It's Amazing that I got this job!! It may not seem much but I think it's totally worth it! It's all about the ways you can bless the lives of others. =) Yeeeahh!!!! =D