I'd like to apologize in advance because I cannot write much today although this week has really been Sumpthin! I have been sick for the last 3 days.. may have had something to do with stress, or anxiety, or being overwhelmed by my new homework but it was SOOO Not cool to be both homesick AND home sick. I think I had like, Meningitis or something. And I just found out that my health insurance DOES NOT work out here.. (Of course!) Thus, I stayed in bed all day. I'm getting better now.. I guess that's why I type instead of speak in my blog.
I was so glad to see Randy and grateful that he came to visit "the sick and afflicted" LOL but he did more than that- he brought me a quart of cookie dough ice cream, a teddy bear, a get-well soon card and a dozen roses. I was like, =O !!!

As little girls we always daydream of our Prince Charming who comes in and sweeps us off our feet right in the middle of our moment of distress- he's tall, handsome, strong, courageous, valiant, faithful, humble, True, etc. etc. We often give up on our dreams because we never see people like that anymore and we lose hope and stop believing and turn away and deny ourselves of our inner child. Our once "Fairy Tale" fantasy becomes a lie to us and we end up living a life full of dread and dullness and convince ourselves that just because we don't believe it anymore that it's not real. Most people lose faith and end up settling for whatever slithers their way OR WORSE- they're so used to not believing that they settle for an unhappy life and completely MISS it when Prince Charming DOES come around!!! Or they don't recognize him and they pass him by and never know what could've been.. Ahh the fear of the unknown..
I'm not an unhappy person. I am not meant to live an unhappy life. Whether or not my life unfolds as I want it to, I will remain positive and optimistic and happy about it because Heavenly Father has blessed me in SO MANY WAYS and I recognize it. I see it everyday. I have a beloved Father in Heaven who loves me and cares about me and wants what's BEST for me. There's no room for even a Speck of anything that is not positive in my future.
...I just sometimes wish I could recognize the difference between Fantasy and Faith when it comes to love.
Hey Corri, sounds like you really like this guy! Hope it works out for you. My blog is private, so send me your email address so I can send you an invite. My email is mmlauritzen@yahoo.com. Hope you're feeling better! :)