I never thought I'd be saying this- but I LOVE MONDAYS!!!! Why, you may ask? Well, unlike most "normal" people who make unconscious decisions to slave away in a cubicle or in a classroom fulla smelly college kids with glazed looks in their eyes, all hyped up on diet Coke and Jolly Ranchers from last night's hoppin' party.... I've decided to take Mondays off everything- off work, off school, off life so I can catch up with my personal life. Kinda like Missionaries and their P-days.
On Mondays, I get to sleep in, run errands, grocery shop, exercise, take a dance class, FHE with friends, catch up on all the homework I've procrastinated, study for tests, paint my nails, draw, enjoy the snow while eating candy & skipping merrily down the street, run back inside because it's flippin' Freezing outside, run back outside because I dropped my candy on the floor, run back inside and determine how many seconds the candy was on the floor to see how sick I'll get if I ate it, run back outside to examine the Exact location the candy landed to see if any bugs or dirt was there also, run BACK inside because it's freezing outside still, run a personal cost/benefit analysis on myself to consider the effects if I did eat this highly-coveted piece of sugary goodness, eat the candy, run outside and barf, run inside and watch the barf freeze onto the pavement, run to a Doctor's office....
Just kidding. Hahaha..
Right now I'm staying productive and warm. It snowed outside earlier then rained and all the snow's gone. I'm a little worried because I've heard that it's awful trying to drive in rain/snow and that I need to get certain types of tires to accommodate my driving.. I have a dance class to go to at 7 that I hope I can learn how to glide from and not my car.
It's getting a little better- the whole "seperation" process. I talk to Karri all the time via Skype, text messaging, Facebook and phone calls. We also send pictures back and forth all the time. I miss her a lot, but I've learned from my own analogy of homework- no matter how much you kick and scream and throw a tantrum over it being hard, boring, dumb, not challenging enough or lame, it's still due the next day. Similarly, no matter what I do, she's still in California. I trust that she's doing well out there and I imagine that she trusts that I'm doing well out here. One more month and I'll go to California during Christmas break and go see her and the rest of the family. I can't wait for that day- but there's no point in moping around or being depressed because eventually, the time will come. I have to remain positive while I'm out here. The good will come- it always does.
Thanks for following and feel free to share this with friends and family!!! I need more followers in order to set a good example for MANY people ;) Take care everyone!!!
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