-SHOES!!!!! Cute boots, with fur on the tops (and treading) so I can uhhh, walk safely to and from my classes in style and without risking my life by slipping on ice..
-A new monster bag (preferably pink and shiny with diamonds on it) to transport my oh so heavy college books and school materials..
-CHOCOLATE to keep me sane, so that my studies may go easier and I may be awake in class..
-A BRAND NEW Mazda 3 to transport me safely from home to school and to work- cute and reliable, and maybe with snow tires..
-Everything else, you may buy me at your own expense.. I'll be grateful..
I am especially grateful to the Orphan Foundation of America for SENDING ME A CHRISTMAS CARE PACKAGE!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUU!!!!! :D
..Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I haven't blogged in soooo long!!! Ugh school has been absorbing my very life!!! You may be wondering howso, I assume? Because I only go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:20pm.. so what's occupying sooo much of my time? Well let's see: I take acting classes, dance classes, dance performance rehearsals, I babysit, I do online promoting for my job, etc. and that's only the stuff I do for free. I'm actually working on getting a new job during the day and on Saturdays so I can occupy more time because I hate sitting around not doing ANYTHING!!
..If that makes any sense..
Sooooooooooooooo, as of 31 minutes ago...
I would always sing as a kid whenever school got out, "No more homework, no more books! No more teachers' dirty looks!" Haha I don't know why LOL..I feel that I've done well in all my classes and on all my tests so I have no reason to be discouraged.. I'll support that with a scanned copy of my report card on my next blog ;) ..I'm just glad that I get to go back to good ol' California and visit family and friends for Christmas.
I'm kinda weird in a sense that, I REALLY LOVE LIVING IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. On the flip side though, there are many times when I get frustrated and want to move back to California. but whenever I visit California, I always feel like I'm missing out on Utah and my new established "home" out there.
Maybe it's because I'm so used to constant change. That's normal, being a female, but this is officially my 30th "home" since I've been born and my 18th school since kindergarten. Its been an adventure and sometimes its exciting to be in a new place, but I just want one place that, at the end of the day I can call HOME and a safe haven.
I'm very excited to go to California tomorrow. My older sister Kasia's getting married and supposedly a LARGE amount of biological family members of mine will be there. My birth mother and father will be there, along with almost all of my siblings. Can't wait!!! She has Mr. Right as her fiance and they're PERFECT for each other!!! I'll be sure to share lotsa pics with everyone!
I look forward to the opportunity I have also to spend time with my adopted family. LOL they have so many kids that each year we do a Secret Santa for them and we choose a name and buy a gift for one sibling. They're amazing-- It's gonna be fun =D I also get to see my DEAR SWEET TWIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!11 .. -11 LOL. YEEEAAAAAHHHH!!! :D

WELL, THAT'S WHAT'S GOOD! Have a VeRy MeRrY ChRiStMaS EvErYoNe!!!!! Spread some cheer this holiday season!!! ;)