Utah is a great place.. There are nice people here, fun things to do, many places to visit, etc. etc. Yet its sooooo possible to feel like a complete failure at times, even people who Everyone knows, or people who seem to have it all..
In a place full of people, it seems like one could never feel alone. In a city full of events, venues, parties, Church activities, and get-togethers, it seems like one could never feel bored. In a school full of over-acheiving students it seems like one could never feel disadvantaged or inefficient in their work.
..that's the problem out here though. It seems to me like everyone out here assumes that everything is fine. That everyone is taken care of and that no one needs a little extra assurance or advice at times.
Everyone who knows me knows that I'm not selfish. I don't get angry easily and I never hold a grudge. I'm kind, caring, and do my best to ensure that EVERYONE around me is taken care of, even if it involves giving rides, food, money, advice, being a friend, etc. which I go out of my way each day to do. I can't let myself pass someone up who stands alone in a crowded room and I won't allow myself to ever be too good for anyone. That's just not me.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is a quote that I've heard many times throughout my life. I think that quote is unfair in many ways and I don't see it as 2-way function. There are so many nice people in this world who are taken advantage of, used, tormented and taken for granted. People take, take and take from them until they have nothing left to give- they absorb everything they have and leave them there to rot. I've had so many friends who have told me that they feel this way and its always hard for me to advise them because sometimes I feel this way too. I can't see the point of being altruistic because in all reality, good things don't always return to the good person.
So what do I do??
Face the reality that I'm in. Its hard to do good things ALL THE TIME and not get recognized for it. I'm sure many people feel that way. I know my Mom (Donna Lauritzen) is a great example of one who can do this and happily press forward, ungrudgingly. I admire her and the many things she does that go unnoticed. She never complains- like, at all! Maybe this is good practice for me for when I am a parent and will be doing a lot of work to keep my future family together. I can use these "skills" that I have developed to help my kids and husband and friends out and maybe possibly hopefully teach others to do the same.
Yes I guess it's normal to feel alone at times, but after an hour of sitting outside of the Salt Lake Temple in 28 degree weather without a jacket as many people passed me up and didn't even look at me, I learned that Heavenly Father sees us all. I know that he is aware of me at this time and I didn't feel cold or upset anymore. I felt as if my Father was talking to me- like He was telling me, "Hang in there, Corri, everything is gonna be fine. My timing is different than your timing. Be patient, my daughter, I see you. There's no reason to feel under-appreciated or alone; I am here with you. If they don't thank you for your kindness, I DO. Thank you for being good and kind and setting a good example for my other children. Not now, but in a little while, you shall see the fruits of your efforts."
It took me a while to understand this, but now I see it more clearly. Now I get it.
So there you all have it, readers- no matter where you are or what you do or how you feel others think, you're Always exceptional. People may not recognize you or what you do, but someone notices. Maybe you are admired from a distance. Everyone has a little good in them. The world may Actually Truly be a better place now because YOU are in it, and many people are good or better people because they follow your examples of doing good works. Never think that you are alone or unnapreciated!! "To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world." Take care everyone. :)
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