Wowww last week went by so fast!! My Twin came to visit me in Salt Lake City for the entire week for her Spring Break and we had tons of fun! We dressed alike each day, I took her to my school, my work, Church activities and dances. She got to see what life is like out here in Utah and she got to see REAL SNOW!!! (as I once said enthusiastically) We did get stuck in a white-out snow storm at 2am and had to sleep over at a friend's house that night (which was another adventure), and we went to a salon to dye our hair the exact same and were there all day because no one knew what they were doing and the stylists kept messing up. We also got pulled over by 4 cops on motorcycles and I got a huuuuuge speeding ticket when I was not speeding AT ALL, and at another event, many people gathered around us in flows of large crowds in amazement to "feel" our big curly afro's- like they've never seen hair like ours before-- like, we were freaks of nature and this was some kind of petting zoo. After all that, Karri still likes Utah. She wants to move out here during the Summertime and work with me. She likes the snow and the people and the schools and the "culture" out here. Just like I did when I came out and experienced my new life in a whole new state. As for me, I believe I may just have had enough.

Utah is a great place and nice people do exist here. Genuinely, nice friendly people. There are a lot more friendly people here than in California, LDS or not. I like the schools also. My Professors actually know what they're talking about here and can back up their lectures with actual legitimate research. In California, professors are worshiped and their opinions are taken in religiously by the students, just because they are in a position of authority. I am not afraid to disagree with a professor in Utah- and if I do, they always clarify it for me so I understand. There are soooooooooo so many smart people out here also! And over-OVER achievers as well as a surplus of highly talented singers, dancers, actors, artists, etc. And the people here are naturally BEAUTIFUL. Many people here take extra measures to ensure they are in good shape, wear comfortable and modest clothing (except for Friday night parties) and most wear little to no makeup. For the most part, Utah is exceptional.

I don't know if California changed me to develop a completely different lifestyle than the people out here or if Utah is influencing me to assimilate to their standards but regardless, I don't care how cold it gets, I will never EVER be caught dead wearing those skin-colored stockings with a skirt that everyone wears in the Winter here. Ugh not only are they HIDEOUS, they are sooooooooooo last millennium!!! LOL.

I am really sad that Karri had to go home today and part of me feels like it left here (that may be because she took so many clothes and accessories of mine when she left). It's like I just barely developed a sense of independence and freedom [which I've always wanted] and whenever I see her it's like, I miss us being together. And then she has to leave and I become broken again, and I question whether I really want to be an individual or a Twin. It's hard when you've been with someone your ENTIRE life, and even before that and then you have to go your separate ways more than once. Hopefully this is all worth it and things will get better soon. I'm trying to stay motivated in school and to keep up with relationships I have here and back in California but I feel like I'm starting to get a little behind in both. I usually catch up after a week or so, but school ends in less than a month and so I gotta step it up and get back to work.
On the positive side, Karri left some of her clothes and jewelry here; I get my own bed now and all the hot guys that met my sister while she was out here- they won't remember which twin they met and they'll most likely ask me out ;) Heh heh heh... Happy Monday followers!