OK so a lot of you have been wondering WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THAT GIRL?!?!? I READ ALL HER BLOGS AND ENJOYED THEM THEN SHE STOPS WRITING?!!!! LOL I can just picture each follower sitting in a corner shivering and rocking back and forth with their thumbs in their mouths, mumbling to themselves about the many things I may be up to at this time....
OK so maybe many of you don't care THAT much about lil' old me but it sounded pretty cool to think about it ;)
Before you all groan within yourselves and die from anxiety, I'd like to fill you in on what's happenin' in the Wonderful Young Life of Corri!
...please hold for the next available operator.....
Well, Utah is officially DONE. I survived! Followers, I passed the TEST!!!
Remember (from my previous blogs) the reason I came out here was to develop my own autonomy. To figure out how to live life as an "individual." To be separate from my Twin sister for a year and learn how to develop my own personality. And that's exactly what I did!

I had my OWN state. I had my OWN school. My OWN car, house, friends, heck, for almost a year I had my OWN ROOM!!!! :D Yes there were many ups and downs and there were times I wanted to laugh and jump with joy, and other times I wanted to cry [and scream and kick someone's snowman down, and go long and chuck a spiral with someone's yapping chihuahua...].

I've went on many dates and made TONS of friends here that I will honestly miss SOOOO MUCH!!! Karri came out here to visit me (in my last days LOL) and she said that so many people came running up to her happily with open arms and a giant smile and after giving her the Biggest Hug Ever, they'd say "Corri!!!! It's good to see you again! How are you?!" and some would find out that she was actually Karri and not me and they'd say "Darn, I wish you were Corri." Haha it did disappoint her a bit but I really like how I established "Corri" out here instead of "The Twinz" and for once in my life I can actually say that "I" was a blessing in the lives of others and a friend to all and I was meaningful and special to many people out here in Utah. Not "us," just "I, Corri." It was awesome..... I love people. :)
Speaking about "people" and "love," one of my followers asked me as a response to my blog about Dating "WHAT'S YOUR TAKE ON BEING IN LOVE, FALLING IN LOVE OR LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? IS IT OK TO SETTLE OR KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE?" at My personal answer to that would be that I don't know fully.. I don't really believe in "Love at first sight" because I have met TONS of guys that I feel deeply attracted to but I wouldn't say that's love. I've learned that it's easy to tell someone you love them because it sounds natural and most people say it casually but I feel that love for someone has to grow. I feel that it's important to learn all about your "significant other" in all ways. See them in all temperaments. Know their weaknesses, their strengths, their talents and their flaws. Learn their pet peeves and what makes them who they are. AFTER all of those, if none of those bother you, and you still want them more than ANYTHING and feel that the person is very special to you, and you don't wanna let them go or be without them, THAT'S what I believe Love is. Besides family and friends and a casual way of expressing it, I've never told a man that I loved him.....until now.
Which brings me to my next subject:
I HAVE A NEW BOYFRIEND!!!!! (I knew you all were wondering when we were gonna get to the good stuff)

(This pic was on his Bday when I made him a cake)
Sean is 2 months older than me, a returned missionary and is a student at BYU (that's the only flaw he has... haha jk jk.) He is SUPER sweet and caring and the thing I like MOST about him is that he's ALL ABOUT CORRI. He accepts my flaws and recognizes my talents and still likes me a LOT. He surprises me with thoughtful gifts every once in a while (like writing me a poem and putting a pineapple on my doorstep because I once told him a while ago that pineapples were my favorite food). He is Super considerate and has the same type of child-like humor that I have. He never curses or speaks inappropriately around me and is never rude to anyone.
The sad thing is that since I'm done with Utah, I only have 2 more days to spend with him and then life supposedly goes on...... We both have a year left of school to finish (I have to finish mine in Cali and he has to finish his in Utah) so we're not sure where to take our relationship during this next year.. whatever happens, I just hope its fair and it leaves both of us happy.

Followers, whether it be Friends, Family, or someone you're dating, remember to treat EVERYONE you come in contact with Special. I think that "being loved" is greater than any gift you can give or receive and it returns to you 100 fold.

Remember that.
I love how at the end you said you don't know where the road will lead you and that you hope it will leave you both happy. That's a very realistic positive take on what most girls would dream and hope for a proposal, marriage and settling wherever the man is. Good for you Corri! You have a good head on your shoulders. I mean if marriage happens, it happens naturally but in the meantime live your life and keep progressing while waiting for it.
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ReplyDeleteThanks TupuaA ;) I guess we'll see what happens.