Soooooooo I'm back Followers, at school.. =/
After having a lonnnnnng well-deserved 5 month Summer break, I finally decided to take on COLLEGE!!! ..ok so I didn't really have any other options...
I'm guessing you all know what the first day of school is like... you wake up EXTRA early, put on your brand new outfit that you bought a month in advance, speed to school and sit in the front row of all your classes thinking you're gonna make either an easy A or at least become teacher's pet.. some are reluctant enough to get both. So ya wanna know how my first day went? Almost similar! ..Only, I didn't sleep AT ALL the night before classes (I officially recommend NO candy or sweets before 9pm to all my followers now); I couldn't find anything cute to wear so I resorted to Roca Wear shorts and a graphic Tee; I tried to speed to school and found myself driving 14mph due to traffic (guess it was everyone's special day also) and I got to class late. 

On the positive note though, I got a front seat in all my classes! Even if I may be every Professor's new official "speak 'n spray" destination.... I guess I sometimes forget to remove the target off my forehead before going to class.

.....And then I realized I TOTALLY FORGOT my Barbie Princess lunchbox!!!!
Jk jk.

After critically analyzing and observing the many common mistakes that most people do that somehow demotes a positive learning environment, I've developed a list of Rules with to help my fellow students and followers just in case they are going to school, thinking about going to school, or even thinking about thinking about the thought of the possibility of somehow considering (within reason and under thoughtful circumstances of course) the slight potentiality of the likelihood of maybe seeing yourself going back to school sometime in the near or even far future, it may be wise to consider these special rules:

1) Register for classes WAAAAAAYYYYYY in advance!!!!!!- Just cuz if you, like me, half-register or decide at the last minute that you don't like certain classes, it's harder than a one-leg riverdancing contest to enroll!!!!!
2) Have your outfit selected, schedule and syllabi printed, your gas tank full (..unless you somehow place all your hopes and expectations in a Red Bull to get you to school on time through the flight system..) and your books bought!!!! This way you can get up and gitton wit' yo life!

3) GO TO CLASS!!!!! I mean, actually going. No this doesn't include reviewing notes and staying at home, resorting to a friend's notes instead, or even sending your identical twin to classes for you so you can sleep in or go to the beach, but actually GO. Everyday. Yes you have to. You can't learn much if you're not in class. Besides, don't you wanna be one of those students to say "I was at school when a catastrophic earthquake hit and I got to break a door to save my 230 classmates from being crushed to death by oversized cement blocks from the ceiling!!!" Well, being a student at CSUSB and seeing that it's conveniently located right on San Andrea's fault-line, someday you will have that chance. :)
3) BRUSH YOUR TEETH EXTRA HARD and WEAR ALL WHITE and Get to classes on time and Make friends in all your classes!!!!! This will probably be your new monetary revenue system if your fellow students perceive you are as bright as you look. Hey, white teeth, white clothes, they will see you as a gift from up above and will be BEGGING you to help them with their assignments and they pay you CASH!!! Haa ok so I'm totally kidding- this is totally a no-bueno for college. DONT DO IT!!!! Or else you'll hafta pay for it big time.... and I'm not talking $$.
4) Eliminate all distractions while you're studying!!!!!! This includes but is not limited to annoying people, cellphones, online social networks, some younger and older siblings, paper airplanes, pen-clicking, paper-licking (just cuz its gross) pencil chewing, people-watching, blogging, writing love notes in the glossary section of your textbooks, headphones, powdering your face (for girls), and the urge to eat sugary substances, go tanning, swimming, hiking, cow-tipping and yelling at the guy at the desk next to you who sneezed SO loudly your papers shuffled and your pen flew outta your hand. Just saying....

....and last but not least,
5) PREPARE YE, PREPARE YE!!!!!! For the second coming... just wanted to throw that in.. no reason ;)
There is a lesson to be learned by all this, followers:
Uh... I just don't know what it is... But I'm a little distracted from class right now because I'm supposed to be registering for classes since my schedule is all outta-whack due to my procrastination and indecisiveness... yet I'm blogging =P Its all unintentional ya see, I only did it so I can have something to tell my Followers NOT to do! :) Hope I've entertained ya! Now get back to work! So will I.
Followers, take care of yourself and your loved ones, go to school and remember to MAKE IT WORTH GOING!!!!! There's plenty of fun activities you can involve yourselves in like sports, dance classes, clubs, etc. Don't make college a burden- It's only hard if you make it. Make it fun!