OK so before you question as to whether or not I'm a grump or a pessimist, keep reading and you'll find out why I said this... ;)
In 6 days I will be married to my sweetheart not just "til death do us part" like any traditional worldly marriage, but since we're getting married in one of God's Temples here on earth and under the proper Priesthood authority, our marriage will last "For Time & All Eternity" (for those followers who have NO idea what I'm talking about, see mormon.org about Temple Marriage).
I'm glad that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me, knows me and knows what's best for me. I'm glad He loves ALL of His children who He sent here on this earth. This earth life was not meant to last very long, and neither is anything in it. People get old. They wither and die. Things get old and rusty. Foods expire and rot. Furniture gets dusty and children grow up.
Everything is soooo temporary. We only have a small amount of time here on this Earth- why not make the most of it? That's why it's also important to make the most out of every relationship. Every human loves, has been loved by others and will be loved. Our relationships and the love we have for others can never die, it only can grow dim if not nourished and refreshed daily.

The fact is, it IS possible to love forever, and that's exactly what I wanna do. It IS possible to be with the one you love forever, and I'm talking beyond the grave. And in 6 days, that's what we will have. in 6 days, I will be married and sealed to Sean Thomas for Time & All Eternity and from there on out, Forever will begin.
It was kinda hard these last few days.. I had lots of emotional ups and downs.... 2 days ago I had to go through all of my clothes and separate them from Karri's and we had to determine who gets to keep what and for how long... Even our ginormous tub of nail polishes now looks like 2 small bins now.. it was pretty depressing.

Having a Twin Sister my ENTIRE LIFE has been easy and fun. All my life I've always had a best friend, a companion, a person to laugh at my jokes, a personal fitness trainer, fashion adviser, someone to pretend they're me whenever I didn't wanna go to school or on dates with certain creepy guys... it's been Awesome! And she's always been on my side. The hard part about it was that even though we're 100% identical physically and genetically, we both have different personalities. We both have different life goals and aspirations. Karri likes soymilk (yuck), and she wants to be a preschool teacher and she wants to be a high-fashion super model. I like regular milk (2% yumm), want to be a mother and a wife, want to be a TV show host and an actress. She has a boyfriend and I'm getting MARRIED.
We've always kept the thought of separating one day at the back of our minds, but it never occurred to either of us that it would be this soon.
Soooo here I am in Provo, UT at my Fiance's house, laying on a luxurious comfy queen-sized bed in the guest room of an empty house as I blog all my cares away. Sean is at school studying for a final and then his friends are having a Bachelor party for him and his parents are both out at work. I'm here alone and it's super awkward right now.... I wanna go outside but I don't have any "outside" clothes to wear out because it's snowing and silly me, being a Cali girl, didn't think to bring anything but cute high-heel boots, light jeans and thin sweaters to wear. I would freeze to death out there!!

I woke up this morning to Sean knocking on my door to say bye before he left for school.. I was totally not wearing any makeup and I had a bad case of frizzy nappy "morning" hair and my eyes wouldn't even open all the way because I was still half asleep and I felt like crap and didn't want him to see me.. but he came in anyways and kissed me on my forehead and said I looked Beautiful. Sometimes I don't understand what he sees in me..
Last night we read Scriptures together and even brushed our teeth together before bed while happily humming Christmas songs to each other. I'm always soooo happy with him, and he's always soooo happy whenever he's around me.

So if you're wondering why I said "I don't believe in Happy Endings," I will let you know now (thanks for being patient).
I say this because I believe with all my heart that True Love has no end, it only lasts Forever.

Followers, once you find or if you've found that one Special someone, never let that love dim. Always remember it, cherish it and hold it close. Remember not to let the love you have for other important people in your life (friends, family, your Twin sister) dim either. People are placed in our lives for a reason, and it's important that with every relationship you have, whether it be family or friends, when you spread your wings and fly, always remember to remain a part of their lives and make sure they remain a part of yours. Hold tight to your loves, each and every one of them, and it will come back to you one hundred fold.
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