Life cant be any better! Soooooooo all my girlfriends are wondering how's life (too many questions & too much in-depth info requested to write LOL) an all my guy friends are wondering how Sean's treating me. Well, I'll tell ya in a way that you all can understand!
Guys (including Dad)- Sean is treating me very well. He never lets me get into his car or go into a store unless HE opens up the door first, and he is a hard worker. Right now he's working on his last semester of school to get a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, and also working in the research department of his school. He's also trying to get into Grad School out here at BYU and if he doesn't get in, he's gonna get a job in Cali and WE'RE COMING BACK!!!!! (as far as I've heard) He has LOADS of homework each day and whenever I see the stuff he's doing for homework I practically fall to my knees and thank Heavenly Father that I don't have to do the same work as him.. I dunno why I ever complained about algebra and double-digit division LOL.. (which I still can't do to this day)
Girls (including Mom)- Sean is a very wonderful man. He's sweet, kind, caring, and still my true love. He works hard during the day and spends the rest of his time pleasing me. He compliments me all the time, lets me hold him tight when we watch scary movies and tells me bedtime stories when I can't sleep. He takes me dancing and teaches me all these beautiful ballroom dance routines by himself and he's patient with me and never gets mad at me. He is really helpful around the house and he even does my laundry and puts it away for me! He likes to hold my hand while we brush our teeth together, we cook and clean together and he softly sings to me as he attempts to brush my hair (key word: attempts to). He also takes me shopping (not just groceries) and when we do shop for food, he lets me pick out my favorite foods. He's selfless and he really is a gentleman! He's also a goofball- he is very entertaining when he's hyper and I can't stop laughing when he sings the wrong words to a song that EVERYONE knows. He cares about me and loves me and reminds me of this very often. He is a real sweetheart.
We live in a cute apartment in Provo, Utah and we go to a ward that consists of all newly-married students from BYU. Sean and I recently got a calling in Church to teach a Marriage and Family Relations class in Sunday School.. At first we were like, why? We're the newest married couple in the ward!! And then it hit us- the fact that teaching this class was not only meant to teach other couples, but it also teaches US the wonderful family values and standards we should have as a new family. Our first lesson was on teaching children how to make righteous decisions and teaching them accountability for their actions. I was super nervous to teach the class and every time someone gave their own insight, I completely lost what I had planned on saying afterwards, and I was sweating big-time and couldn't think of what to say whenever someone asked a question- but Sean was there with me at the front of the class, holding my hand and helping me to teach. We get to teach every lesson together!! Everyone seemed to like the class- they were all laughing at our corny jokes and they said we did a great job afterwards.
Followers, this blog is short, but I wanted to share one thing that I remember teaching on Sunday-- it was that no matter what age we are, and no matter how many children we have, WE are still Heavenly Father's children. WE also have a Father in Heaven who knows us well and wants what's best for us, just as we want what's best for our own children. Just as we teach our children to pray about decisions they make, we must also be willing to pray to our own Heavenly Father about our own choices. If we ever need parenting advice, we know that we can pray about it and learn from our great Master Parent, who has given us everything we have today, and who we have learned from and are still trying to be like. It's incredible. Followers, remember this. Thanks for reading!!
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