I just wanted to yell that loudly and let the Whole Wide World know how Awesome it is!!! Haha and now that I'm a "wifey blogger" and can say whatever I want about being married, I will!!!!
It's been almost 3 months since I tied the knot (officially longer than Kim Kardashian and Kris bahahahaaa) and I LOVE being married. It's fun to always have a companion there with you at home. To live with, to eat, sleep, and pray with, and to share good times and hard times together. Sean and I are working it all out and trying hard to make and keep our family a happy, successful one. There are many things that you can do to keep your marriage Happy and Successful, but since I've only been married for 3 months, I won't go into a big spiel about tips that actually work.. yet.
...actually I just don't feel like it LOL. It's been such a beautiful day that I don't feel like writing much.. I am sitting next to Sean right now, and we're at his mom's house doing laundry. Sean is working from home and I am blogging about him and he has noooo idea. Haha! It's funny, Sean's like, REALLY good at working with computers and new technology. His idea of "working from home" is tapping into his school's work system, clocking himself in and working from home as if he's sitting at a computer at school. It's cool how someone can do that.. even on a Saturday, and they never say anything about it.

I work now, too (finally LOL). I work at Target in Orem. It's fun working there but I never thought I'd be doing construction.. so it seems.. it's more of a "remodeling team" as they call it, but there's a lot of hard work to do each day and I work full time. It's a job though, and I'm glad I have it. Everyone's really nice there, especially the management.
Soooooooo all my single friends are asking me when we're planning on having kids and what it's like being married- I'll tell you.
It great! :D

I get to cook whenever I want and I get to command my husband to do things like cleaning the bathroom, doing the dishes, making the bed, etc. He must REALLY love me because lately he's been doing it without me even telling him and I think it's kinda cool.. :) I've got him under my spell.. and I still play hard to get just because I can.. It's also fun to go places together-- today was such a beautiful day that we went indoor surfing, hiking on a trail and then we rode beach bikes down the warm sunny streets of Provo!! It's been a warm winter so far, unlike last year, (it only snowed like, 4 times total) so we're totally lucky to have sunshine.
OK OK so you caught me- I've been avoiding the "question" about kids. Well, Sean graduates this Summer (but then I START school, ugh which is a mess right now..) and then wants to do grad school and I will graduate in about a year- so we've decided that we're gonna start a family sometime between the time he graduates and I graduate. We talk about it a lot-- names for our future kids and how we're gonna work out a work schedule and what not.. Sean's getting a degree in Electrical Engineering and I asked him why THAT major if he doesn't like it much? His response- "So I can make a lot of money and take my wife shopping whenever she wants." (Oh yes, he's a keeper..) =P
Sean makes me VERY happy, just by the things he says and does. Earlier I was Facebooking (or something like that) and he randomly blurts out, "I'm so glad I married a Princess. I get to keep her forever. I love you soooo MUCH!!!" and gave me a big hug. That put a smile on my face for sure! He does stuff like that, and last night, he picked me up from work and says "I have a surprise for you. We're going on a date." and he takes me home to get all dressed up and we got to go somewhere fun and eat sushi.
...and then sometimes, there's those moments where he totally cracks me up!! I've tried the whole "writing little love notes and hiding them around the house" thingy and it did NOT work. He found a piece of paper in his undies drawer and set it aside and walked away and I was like, "Did you see what it said?" and he's like, "Oh, was there something written on that paper?" and the other notes, even though they were in SUPER OBVIOUS places, he didn't see them until I had to individually point them out. LOL the other day I made sprinkle cookies and frosted them and hid them and left one big one out, and written in chocolate chips it said "I love Sean" and when I got home he said "Thanks for the cookies! They were good!" yet he never mentioned anything about the message.... later that night I asked him about it and he's like, "Oh, was there a message on it? I didn't notice!" LOL he's silly sometimes.

Every once in a while I complain about not feeling pretty without makeup or being too tired when we need to go exercise but he always understands and has comebacks that make me feel beautiful, loved and very special to him. I love that about him. I love him. He truly is a Prince.

That's all I wanted to say..... I love this Family.