Hi Followers!!!!! (I'm not pregnant, if that's what you're gonna ask) Haha I've been getting that question a lot lately.....
But other great news--- you know the flowers I was holding for my wedding?? Here they are-- still THRIVING!!! :D

MoRe GoOd NeWs:
and I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!! :D
ok.. so I don't have insurance... (come to think of it, I don't have a car either..) But Sean does! Yay!

El oh El!!! Wow its been almost 5 months since we got married and ran off to Utah! Sorry peeps.. we're trying to move back to Cali but its not in our agenda yet.. (I blame it on schooling...) We're happy here too though! Just not as happy as we WOULD be if we were in Cali..
Sooooooooo Sean and I learned a valuable lesson today... we needed an office chair for our living room and we didn't feel like spending $50 bucks on a good one so we thought we'd take the easy way out... we went to Deseret Industries (a local thrift store) and found a Really Nice one and it was a little cracked on the side but it looked good and we bought it for only $7 bucks! Good deal, huh?
Well........... long story short: Once we got home, Sean started doing homework on it and he leaned back on it once and--
Lesson learned: don't be cheap- cuz you get what ya pay for! LOL.
Besides that, I'm here learning how to be a good Wifey and not poison my Hubby with all the "creative" recipes I've been coming up with and end up eating all by myself because Sean thinks it smells funny, looks queer, or questions why his food is growling at him...... I've started my own cookbook with recipes I find online but I always end up improving each one when there's an ingredient in it that I'm not too fond of.. like Fennel.. what recipe on Earth needs Fennel?? Haa as a joke I should make a Fennel cake! Bahaha!!!
I'm working now too-- I got a new job as a Receptionist at Preferred Family Clinic which is exactly 48 seconds away from home - by feet - LOL. It's this really big office building right next door to where I live. I like it there- the people are SUPER nice and I get my own computer, phone, desk, chair, MANY cute office supplies, file drawer, office space to decorate however I want, and there's a giant file cabinet full of CANDY that I have Free Access to ANYTIME!!!! What more can a Corri want?? (^_^)
Hubby and I have been doing well lately! We filed our taxes together and we just now got this HUGE bonus back from the Gov that we never knew we could get and we're planning on doing some extra "Government spending" this week LOL!
We had a good Easter too.. we first made yummy smoothies out of orange juice, strawberries, sugar and ice (we call it Lava Juice in Cali) and drank them outside in the warm sun... then we went to Church and in our Marriage & Family Relations class that we teach, we HID 60 EASTER EGGS around the class and had everyone find them in the middle of the lesson!!!! After Church we surprised Sandy (Sean's Mom) with a really cute Easter basket we made and then went to Sean's Uncle's house for Easter dinner and took a couple family pics. It was such a great day.. :) :)
Right now we're both at home- Sean's studying for his finals (he graduates in ONE WEEK YAYYYY!!!!!! ...and my poor widow hubby wubby has a bad cold.... :(
I'm SUPER bored-- I already cleaned the house and cooked dinner AND made a yummy dessert (Sean loved AND ate both LOL) and now I don't know what to do really.... my friend Yocee (who just got married a month after us) called and I'm gonna go shopping with her tomorrow for house decorations.... LOL the fun things you can do when you get married...

Sooooooooo my Dear Sweet Followers, the only advice I have for you all is to STAY HAPPY!!!! And this time I actually have a question for YOU, Followers!! If any of you are married, have been married or plan on getting married in the next few uhh... whenever, what are some things You do in your spare time?? (besides shopping and scrap-booking cuz we cant do that every day..) I need ideas!! I don't feel like cooking or napping and Sean can't really be bothered because his life basically depends on how well he does on these tests.... Gahh it's too rainy to go on a walk outside and I don't feel like doing my nails or going to the gym.. blehh the same routine every day.......... =/
Be Happy.. iHappy, ...iCorri
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