Hi Followers! Guess who JUST BARELY discovered Pinterest?!
MY NEIGHBOR!!!!!!! Haha jk jk.
I did!

I've narrowed my boards into only a few different categories: My Style, My Hot Hubby, Recipes I Wanna Try Making, and Ballroom (because me and Sean ballroom dance together). You know what I just realized? Pinterest not only lets you save pictures into different categories, but if you click on any of them, it takes you right to it's website and SHOWS YOU HOW TO DO IT!!!! Meaning, if it's a recipe or a home decorating idea, it shows you how to make it! It's like, I get to become one of those cutesy creative wives just because I can see what other people are making and try to recreate them at home! VERY cool..

For those of you who haven't heard the AMAZING NEWS (that does not involve a baby, a million dollars or a upcoming trip to California) I got STRAIGHT A's this last semester! (despite the fact that I fell asleep in some classes, walked out of others due to SUPER boring lectures, and made complaints about certain professors who were too vulgar) That's the first time I've gotten straight A's since MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! I think what made the difference is the fact that I wasn't staying out late at night partying and dancing like I used to every Friday and Saturday before I was married. Only now, I still stay up late and have mini-dance parties with my Hubby (or I stay up late making his lunch for the next day..)! By the way, we just celebrated our 8-monthiversary yesterday :)
I love Sean. I don't know how many times I've said it, or if it wasn't obvious by my many Facebook posts that you're all probably tired of seeing LOL, but I am truly grateful that I met him. I am grateful that I stayed patient with my Heavenly Father and waited for the one who would be worthy of me, and worthy to take me to the Temple. He's everything I've ever wanted in a husband and a best friend. I remember once in Young Women's class I wrote down a list of all the qualities that I wanted in a future husband, and kept that list inside my Scriptures. Some attributes on the list said:
-LDS and Temple worthy
-Priesthood holder
-loves and respects his mother
-good with kids
-trustworthy, dependable, willingness to serve
-loving; puts God first, than me.

I never really thought twice about it, but sometimes whenever I got stuck in or got out of a bad relationship, I would pull out that list and think to myself that there's someone out there who will exceed all of my expectations. Some people told me that it was useless and in vain to write a list of qualities that you wanted in a person, because it would disappoint you when you find out that no one is like that. Well that was SOOO NOT TRUE!!! Because I recently pulled out that list and found that my Husband has every single one of those qualities, and some!! I wasn't expecting some perfect flawless person would walk into my life but I ended up finding one who was perfect- perfect for me.

Besides that, LOL I just had a super awkward moment... I was here, home all alone and someone knocks on the door. I'm thinking, ugh! Who even knows where we live?? I wasn't dressed besides PJ's, my hair was a tangled MESS, no makeup, and I had a bad case of bedhead.... and it was one of Sean's friends coming over to drop off a light-up costume that Sean made. I bet he's thinking, "Wha-- THAT'S Sean's wife??" Haha I hope I didn't leave a bad impression for Sean LOL. I didn't even want to answer the door at all but Sean was looking for that costume. Well, the only person I'm really required to impress is my Hunny Bunny, Sean. So when he gets home tonight, I'm gonna make sure I'm dressed up cute, my hair is done, dinner's made and on the table, and the house is clean. I kind of sort of gotta make up for that moment.. (That's a today-thing only LOL. I like to surprise him every now and then..)
FOLLOWERS! Before you go, don't forget to stop by my new website! It's called
www.laughmeat.com I will be posting funny cartoons, poems and comics that I drew myself on it each day, just to make people smile or laugh. There's only one image on it so far, but I'll be putting up a new one each day. PLEASE SHARE THIS SITE! (and my blog) People around you may be having a bad or stressful day and could use a little humor!!! I also have the modeling website, at
www.corrithomas.com. Feel free to spread the word on my blog and my new websites! Have a great day, everyone!
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