I'm ditching my homewrk to write this...
Yay! Another blog! Whoop Whoop!! So my day today was FaAaAbulous... So like, EVERYONE thinks I'm living in this place that feeds me with a golden spoon and carries me everywhere I go. It's not like that at all. Well, at least not THIS place =P. So here's the truth- I grew up in foster care.
Foster care is ScAaAaAaaaaaAAAArrrrryyyy!!!! I don't recommend it. When you're in foster care and you turn 18, you have 3 days to leave. Most counties don't care where you go or what you do- ya just gotta "be an adult" cuz legally, you are. Yes, it sux. Luckily I did my homework and got ahold of an Emancipation Coach and I successfully emancipated when I was 17! I moved to an apartment with my Twin sister Karri and we were off to college!
3 years later...
K so I moved a few times since then and I have had multiple jobs including an ice-cream flipper at Cold Stone, a sales rep for San Joaquin Pest Control, a Librarian, a model at Abercrombie, a Santa's Helper at the Americana at Brand, and now I'm a receptionist for a Chiropractor. Wow talk about a variety!! Lol ALL WHILE pursuing a college education and doing modeling and acting AND trying to balance those with seeing all 9 of my other siblings that are still in foster care. Ohhhh mannnnn it's been HECTIC!!! =O
BUT, here's where I am now. I live at a place called "Youth Moving On." Check out their website! --> http://www.hillsides.org/site_info.php?siid=72&id=77 It's a place where former foster youth of those who lived in group homes Here's what they do for me:
- They provide me with an apartment which I DO pay for...
- They pay for my college books
- My college is paid for by the State cuz I grew up in foster care
- I have someone here called a Transitional Facilitator who helps me with budgeting, banking, making and keeping appointments, helps me to find a job if I don't have one, etc. Her name is Amanda and she's SUPER cool! She lets me get away with overspending every now and then.. ;)
- I also have meetings to atted here suck as ILP
that teaches me life skills to help me to learn independence - I see a therapist every week
- I have a personal tutor who comes to my house and helps me with my homework and I get paid to take tutoring.. It's wierd, it should be the other way around, LOL.
- They have mentors here who are a big help and super fun to be around! Mine's name is Teresa =)
So THERE YA GO!!! That's what this program is all about and it helps me a BUNCH! I really like being here. It's helped me A BUNCH in learning how to be independent. No they did not buy my car, but they helped me to learn how to save up for it. They do not yell at me and force me to save every penny I make- it seems like it sometimes though. But its all a learning process and I'm truly learning how to live without debt and with basic life skills that can last a lifetime! =D
I love my life...
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