...but have been been Enchanting, Enticing and Entertaining to me. Last week I woke up with the worse care of the flu I've ever experienced in my entire life and I thought I was gonna die. ***I SAW the Light*** It was beckoning for me to come unto it- it was Soooooooo bright!! ..lingering over my very head like a ghost when I noticed that it was just my cellular device, which had EVIDENTLY crept under my face as I slept and left a huge imprint on my cheek. Who knows who I was talking to last before I fell asleep.. LOL hopefully I was only talking, and not breathing heavily over someone's voicemail recording..
So this last weekend I wanted to do something FUN all by myself, without having to wait up on anyone or to take anyone with me. Thursday night was YSA Temple night, of course, and I had a blast as I always do. On Friday I drove to the hidden city of Yorba Linda which I did not know existed until I drove there that night.. There was a dance there at a community center and I had a blast, but what was MORE FUN was after the dance, I took a few friends to the park behind the building and we played on the playground. ITS ALWAYS FUN TO GROW "DOWN" EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE AND RELIVE YOUR CHILDHOOD ADVENTURES... I ran down the hill, through the obstacle course and playground, then got on the swings. We closed our eyes and jumped off the swings and LANDED ON THE MOON!! The moon was an amazing place- there ar
e playgrounds on the moon- tunnels and caves that lead to extraterrestrial civilizations.. One can only see them if he or she closes one eye, spins around in a circle then whistles 3 times. We glimmered and shimmered and got drenched by some sprinklers that sprayed billions of tiny stars out onto us that as we ran through them.. we also had to avoid getting captured by astronauts and funny looking dogs that wore eyeglasses and fake moustaches as they walked their barking pet human aliens. Everything looked so real- as if we were in a parallel identical planet that deemed Mother Earth as its role model..

I ended up getting home at 4:19am that next morning. Time flies when you're having fun!
On Saturday (after having 4 hours of sleep the night before) I had to wake up extra early to help clean my Church building as I had volunteered.. I then went to a pool party at a friend's house and was SOOOO WORN OUT afterwards that I crashed as soon as I got home! An hour later I woke up and got ready for a date with a guy named Rudd. Yes, me.. date. I do that kinda stuff. Rudd is doing some kind of project where he asks out 16 girls on dates and gets to know them, interviews them, and then writes something special about each one on his blog. So I'll proceed to do the same thing for him (because he'll probably read this). Rudd is a great guy- very friendly, humorous, and very much a gentlemen. He wears his Testimony as I like to say- you can see it in his eyes that he has great faith and is very knowledgeable and passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He works in the Temple and also works at a party rental store (If anyone needs party supplies or floats) *Ladies, he's single* ;) I met Rudd at a dance I believe, in a competition. I guess I was having too much fun to really notice him but I won the competition hands down *not to brag or anything, ahemm* and I remember going to the back and trying to teach him how to "jerk." Thats all I remember.. I should have been more considerate then, knowing that he'd ask me out later. I know so many people that sometimes it gets hard to depict those I do know verses those I do know and I just am nice and welcoming to EVERYON
E as if they're my Best Friend. =) Anyways the date was a lot of fun. We went to Wendy's and got frosties and then to the Observatory to look at stars and telescopes. I don't think I was fully myself that night- I usually am a HUUUUGE talker, goofball, super hyper, crazy and simply loud person, but that night, I just wasn't that way. I was almost content. I was worn out from a busy day, but as I talked to this guy I realized something fascinating that I'd never seen before. We had so much in common! This was not one of those "You like anchovies on your ice cream? SO DO I!!!!" moments.. It was more like, things he said were Exact things and deep thoughts that had crossed my mind at times and it really amazed me. It was a little creepy, but more-so cool. I don't think I wouldda realized that if I were to keep blabbing away about myself and my life's experiences.. It was so nice being able to learn so much about another individual and in a sense, it taught me how to be a better listener and to have "serious time" every once in a while.

I somehow picture trillions of spirit children in Heaven, all sitting together in the pre-existence, listening closely as Heavenly Father is teaching us all what Earth-life would be like. I imagine I'm sitting next to Rudd, with Karri on the other side. Heavenly Father then hands all of His children presents. We open ours up, which are huge boxes, and inside of these, there are blessings- including gifts, talents, perspectives, opinions, traits and characteristics that we will bring down with us to Earth when we go. Mine and Karri's blessings are IDENTICAL. Somehow, as we are rejoicing because of our gifts, Karri and Rudd accidentally bump into each other and some of their gifts, talents and perspectives fall to the floor. As they scramble to pick things up and claim their individual blessings, a few may have gotten mixed up. Just sayin...
OK ya this does sound kinda weird, but I promise it'll make sense. If not, then it may be used for pure entertainment only and reader, I'm sorry to have wasted your precious "facebooking" time. Well, here's an example. Ever since I was 17, I've ALWAYS said to myself that my dream job would be to work in the Temple someday, All the time. I think that would be TOTALLY AMAZING. I don't hear too many others talk about having similar dreams.. Lol but last night as we walked around the observatory, Rudd randomly blurted out that "his dream job would be to work in the Temple all the time." I tried so hard not to yell out "No way!! Me too!!" because it would obviously look like I'm retarded in one way or another.. So I thought nothing of it until later when we somehow got in a conversation about babies and children. As he was talking, I started thinking of how precious babies are to me. They must come directly from Heaven! I thought about how I've always admired their innocence and how I felt that a baby can sense spirituality in a person, and how I'd love to one day ask them what heaven was like because I'm sure they remember it but just cannot express it. Ya know, I kinda think that that's why babies cry when they're born- because they're separated from God and Heaven as a spirit. Think abou
t it- they're also drawn to light.. They are calm whenever they sense spirituality in soft music, etc. Its totally believable!! I'm convinced that they know much more of Heaven than we "adults" do. Where I was going with this, was the fact that my date completely said everything I was thinking at that point.. Coincidentally.. Word for word. We also have VERY similar dreams and aspirations in life- both want to be TV show hosts for a talk show and both thought highly of child psychology and communication.

I don't know if I'll ever see the guy again- maybe at a dance or randomly before I leave for Utah, but I learned a lot from our conversations. I think that we're more of friends than we realize now and I'm sure we'll cross paths again in life.. I'm grateful to have taken the time to make a new friend. He also told me what he admired about his parents most- about how loving, service-oriented and charitable his mother was, and about how wonderful and responsible his father was, and how they work together to support the needs of their children. I love asking friends what they think of their parents- I listen for the qualities that they admire most about their parents and all of them have to do with being selfless and living the Gospel. I want to be just like that when I grow up.. (I always say that.. it's not literal of course)
I want to be the friend I've always wanted.. the mother I've always wanted.. The girl who people look to for advice and for a good influence. I feel that the world is in desperate need of considerate and selfless people, and I want to be a living example of the change I want to see in the world. Ya know?
Thank you for reading my blog and hearing of the wonderful adventures of my weekend!! Stay tuned for the next Amazing blog! Whelp, I gotta go floss my bird's teeth.. Hahaha peace out!
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