..Whelp, other than that, I've had a FABULOUS week so far!! I've been on the lookout for a place to stay in Utah, and I finally found one today! I'll be housing in a big 2-story house with 5 girls (I get my own room) who I hear are WONDERFUL!! LOL we seem to even have friends in common even though we have never met each other yet. I like how this world seems to get smaller and smaller the more people you know.. Haa..
So this week I'm going to focus more on better budgeting. I always think- being a college student, where do you draw the line between successful or failing? Should I have a certain amount of money saved up or should I be in debt? Luckily I have absolutely NO DEBT WHATSOEVER so far.. and I'm doing well. It's not easy to save- its easy to spend, I think. Its SO easy once you're on your own and y
ou got a little savings and you think you OWN THE WORLD... and the next thing you know, you can't decide between NEEDS and WANTS and you end up dipping into your savings account more and more and more until you notice it disintegrates and then you realize that you were just OWNED!!! ..Maybe that's just me.. Well, I would never get THAT bad at it.. LOL I have learned a few GREAT things at YMO (If you don't know what YMO is, read my earlier blogs) about budgeting and money management and I plan on using them. It is easy to believe that everyone out there is out to get me sometimes.. That all people want is money. Ugh it gets pretty intense- anything you want or need or even the Thought of having something *costs*. Kinda like car and health insurance. I've had my own car and health insurance since I first started driving, and have been paying hundreds and thousands of dollars just to have the "Title." Just to say "Hey! I'm covered." But I have never really used them for anything. I'm super healthy and I may be a crazy driver, but I'm SAFE. I've never gotten into any accidents that were purposely my fault. *knock on wood* Well I guess I'll be glad if an indecent does happen in the future that's uncalled for- I'll be glad to have "just the Title" of insurance so that I'm covered.
I think that's enough blabbing for one night.. Keep following me! You know why you should? Cuz I'm Simon and Simon Says "FOLLOW ME!!!" Take care y'all!
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