So, just in case you didn't get the news, KARRI AND I WERE RECENTLY ADOPTED into the Best Family in the Entire World!!!!! =D Our new names are Corri & Karri Pierce Lauritzen. It's gonna be a pain trying to change all our legal documents including license, banking, school information, etc. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh... but on the good note though, we finally have and belong to a Family.
A little bit about the Lauritzens:
Verne and Donna Lauritzen live in Riverside, CA. They are a wonderful couple who celebrate life with their 9 other children, 7 boys and 2 girls. They have around 17-19 grandkids, all of which LOVELOVELOVE me and Karri. Verne works in Riverside county as a chief of staff for a guy names Jeff Stone.. I think he's a VIP cuz his name is Jeff Stone.. (Kinda sounds like the name of a wrestler though.. Haa) Donna is a home maker, and she's a pro at what she does. I call them Mom and Dad. They were always so nice to us.. They actually knew Karri and I when we were babies, and when we lived in a foster home near them, they took us to Seminary with their kids. Our foster parent at the time REALLY hated Mormons so she would be very harsh and would not support anything we wanted to participate in, such as Church on Sundays, Girl's camp and social activities. One day as the Lauritzens were bringing us home from Church, they asked us if we wanted to come stay with them, and even if we wanted to be adopted. We were like, "What? You- take US in? Really? Someone who wants US?? You want US to be a part of YOUR family??" We didn't feel worthy because they were such a happy wonderful shining example of a family that we admired and we felt so insignificant and unspecial to be part of what seemed like a "Perfect family." Feeling that it could be right and that only God Himself could arrange such a miraculous union, we said YES and never looked back. After a year and a half of staying with the Lauritzens, we realized how Amazing they were to us and that this family could be Eternal so we got adopted to them and we will be sealed soon and yes, we DID live Happily Ever After. But that's not the end of our story.

*He's a great Father. The best Father-figure I've EVER seen. He supports me in all the good things I do, and always gives fatherly advice whenever I need it. He is very supportive of my dreams and he came to all my school plays, my high school graduation, and fashion show. He's the best Dad I've ever had (and trust me, I've had MANY FATHERS).
*Dad has a very strong Faith and Testimony. He lives what he believes and acts upon Inspiration. He's a former Bishop and he is well respected in Church as well as at work. I look up to him and am grateful that he loves Mom and supports her and their family of 13 now.
*He is HILARIOUS!!!! He is quick with jokes, always has funny comebacks and I love to see him whenever he's frustrated about something. He does this little grunt that anyone around who hears can't help but to laugh at. He's good at making friends with ANYONE.
What I like about Mom:
*Her Christ-like examples in EVERYTHING she does. Mom is patient, kind, caring, diligent, gentle, humble, and the list goes on and on and on..
*Her love. One thing that REALLY fascinates me about Donna that other foster parents just did not do was love me. I know she loves me. Other foster parents denied my membership in their family. They did not take me to their family activities and did not allow any bonding with them at all. Whenever I was sick or in pain or suffering, they stayed as far away from me as they can- as if I was some kind of monster, some contagious germ that they wanted nothing to do with. I was just a kid!! They never gave parental advice or expressed appreciation to me at all. Only standards, rules, expectations and consequences if I did not agree. Donna was COMPLETELY OPPOSITE. She cared for and about me. She is the most SELFLESS person I've ever met. She took good care of me and always made sure I was happy.
*Her patience. Mom's had so many experiences in her life that, if I were her, I would have exploded. She's patient with children, she's patient with friends and associates. She's diligent in her callings and she's a wonderful Relief Society President and Visiting-teacher. I wish I could be like her in so many ways.
*Her Faith. If it was not for Mom, I don't know where I would be Spiritually. Mom always enforced daily Family Scripture Study, being on time for Church, regular Temple attendance and FHE. She made sure that we were taken care of Spiritually and physically.
I TRULY BELIEVE that the world is a better place because Verne and Donna fell in love one day and got married. So much good has came of that, so many good people, so many good things have happened and it only gets BETTER!!!
I love my new family!!!!!!!
I'm happy for you two.