This blog's gonna be short and sweet because I'm not feeling well today.. =[
Ugh I feel like such an old person.. my back is killing me and I feel like I'm catching the flu. :( It may be because of my new job that requires me to do a lot of walking outside- whether it's

sunny rainy or snowing.. and I've been going out every day doing it. Sighhhhhhhh Utah confuses me.
. one day it's warm and the next day it's snowing! I LOVE my new job but still gotta get used to being outside in this Utah weather. Hmmm besides that...
Yay!!! 3 more days and I will be "sailing away through the ocean wind to go see my beloved Twin!"

OK so I'll actually be driving to California, but I imagine that while I'm out there I'll visit the beach. I just wanna get in my
car Now and GO GO GO!!! So I can feel the
wind through my Fro! Whoop Whoop! I'm so excited- I haven't seen my genetic replica/clone/mono-zygotic reduplication/equivalent reciprocal simulacrum since last Christmas!! :D :D
CAN YOU BELIEVE I'M GOING ON 7 MONTHS OF INDEPENDENCE AS OF MARCH?? Wow I never thought I'd see this day! I'm so proud of myself! Here are some of the things I've accomplished since I've been out here on my own:
-Hmmm... Oh! ......Oh wait, nope.. that wasn't me..
OK so I've still got some work to do. And I have another 6 months to do it!
JK JK. Since I came to Utah, here are some (not all, just some) things I've done that I don't think I would have done if I stayed in Cali:

-Went on over 30 dates
-Taken break-dance, salsa and hip hop dance lessons
-Did 4 photo-shoots, a radio commercial, a music video by myself and I'm working on a short film now
-Successfully completed a semester at one of the nation's Top academic colleges
-Watched a full moon from a moving ski lift when there was no snow
-Visited 3 Temples (Bountiful, Salt Lake and Provo)
-HAVEN'T gotten pulled over by any cops (Take THAT, Karri! Ha!!!)
-Did genealogy and found some of my ancestors
-Went on a few $hopping sprees (just cuz)
-Got recruited into a professional dance crew
-Made over 500 friends
-etc. etc.
Trust me, there are a LOT more accomplishments I've done but I can't remember them now.

Remember I said earlier that I feel like I'm getting old? Well, I guess if affected my working memory as well.. Ughhhh... I'm going to bed early tonight. :(
BTW I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!! My Brother Gary is coming home from his mission this weekend and I'm going to Cali for his homecoming! Wow I can't believe it's been 2 years! I'm so proud of him and can't wait to see the family! :D Take care followers! Happy Monday!
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