It is a BeAuTiFuL day in Riverside, California!!! I am outside in my backyard sitting on a swing in the playground, looking out in the distance of the entire city. Our house is nestled on a hill and the view is clear and serene! It's about 71 degrees outside, palm trees are swaying, children are playing outside in the neighbor's yard, it's warm and sunny and there is a slight breeze. Our dog Harley greeted me earlier with his slobbery chops and left a large green slobber stain on my brand new pants (ewwwwww) which completely made me forget this majestic experience!
It's nice to be home..
I am visiting home for the weekend to see my brother Gary return from a mission he has been on. He's been in Mexico preaching the gospel for the last 2 years and tonight he's coming home!! My family and I have plans tonight to pick him up from the airport and go out to eat and then all hang out at my sister Emily's house. I bet there'll be TONS of people there, especially tons of kids, which makes it tons more fun!
My Mom and Dad are inside the house right now. Mom's on the computer working on something for her Primary class that she teaches and my Dad is sitting on the hearth of the fireplace eating a plate of cauliflower and ranch dressing. He is running for Mayor of the city and has been super busy with all his campaigning lately. My parents are AMAZING. Karri (my twin of course) lives here right now but she's at work. 2 of my brothers and a sister in law are all sitting in the living room talking about family and life and everything seems just right right now.
I really like my family. Karri was telling me the other day that Dad came in her room and sat down and told her how grateful he was the she lived at home and that she's a good girl and it made my day to hear that. I automatically accepted the compliment as well (since we're twins) and it made me really grateful to be a part of this family.

I am proud to say that the reason I'm good and the reason I stay motivated in school and at work and in life is because there are people who care about me and are looking out for me. I know that they want the best for me in life and I don't want to let them down. Of course I understand that I have a choice and that I live in a place where I am on my own and can do Whatever I Want, but I CHOOSE to be good and always do good because I want to make them all proud. Especially my parents. I know that they pray for my well-being each night and I feel their love from almost 1,000 miles away and it helps to keep me motivated and strong and move forward with happiness. Try doing this sometime! It means a lot to yourself AND your loved ones.
..Just so everyone in the world knows!!! :D
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