But now that I think of it, Where have all the years gone??

I see technology has advanced. People around me are getting older and more tired. Places I used to play are getting smaller and smaller and I'm getting taller. People who were already old are getting even more old.. and grouchy.. and annoyed by the little things I do to entertain myself that they call immature. Why is this I wonder?
I feel like everything around me is changing- except me. I'm still the same person I was 10-15 years ago, only a few inches taller. I still think the same, only I know more. I still look the same, only a little more adult-like. I still have the same ear to ear kool-aid smile and bug puffy hair.. Am I not the same person?
I'm still the same girl who loves eating candy and jumping on my bed.. and picking flowers, drawing pictures and playing dress-up, and loudly singing Disney songs as I skip around my living room with a Popsicle in one hand and a broom in the other as I clean my house.
I still believe in magic. I still make wishes on shooting stars and fallen eyelashes and I still believe that dreams DO come true.. They can. They will.

Why does all the magic have to END when one turns 18? Why is there no more genuine joy and everyone's focus becomes "Do good in school," or "Get a good job," or "Get out of debt," or "Get married." ?? I'm sure those things will happen at some point in everyone's lives including my own, but why let go of all our childhood hopes and dreams because it's what society expects of us? Since when does society care about our individual goals and aspirations? Why must we become like robots and settle for such boring routine lives?

Whatever happened to "When you grow up, you can be anything you wanna be" I wonder? I still believe in that, and I still plan on being EVERYTHING I wanted to be when I was younger. An actress. a model. A fashion designer. A writer. A Doctor's assistant. A baker. A business woman. A successful sales"woman." An artist. A poet. A dancer. A stand-up comedian. A youth advocate. A mentor. An inspiration and a role-model for younger children- Come to think of it, I HAVE been all of those already!! Now I'm just going to college to get a degree so I can be a PROFESSIONAL [all of the above]. This is just proof that The Magic Doesn't Have To Stop when You Grow Up. Don't get me wrong, I do take responsibility at times when it is necessary, but it's such a waste of life stressing over things that shouldn't matter that much! I know that I have a long way to go and that things will change such as the places I go, the people I know and the things I see- but I most likely won't. I'll be an old lady with the same personality that I have now. I like being different in my own way. It's what makes me unique.

Life will always have its downfalls, but they're just slides on a playground, ya know? That's the FUN part!! Everyone must bear the short-term discomfort of climbing the ladder if they want to enjoy the intense, thrilling, adrenaline rush of the slide with no regards to what society thinks, no rush to succeed, no heavy responsibilities pushing you down and nothing but the wind in your face! Enjoy life, Followers. Be different. Be the magic. ;)

How inspirational! You have a great attitude. Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! It's people like you who totally inspire me! Please follow my blog too!