I'm corri and I love my Momma! :)
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO PROVO!!!! The land of BYUigans! Hah, so I feel like a traitor sporting my "UofU" sweats as I walk home to my new BYU-approved apartments. I kinda like Provo.. It's nice here, tons of people. Being tall, super-outgoing, a little darker than most people and having REALLY BIG CURLY HAIR I tend to attract a lot of people. They come up to me from all directions like zombies-- drooling at the mouths as they "oooh" and "aaahhh" and look at me wide-eyed and run their fingers through my hair like I'm some kind of wild animal they've never seen before.. I make a lot of friends easily out here and have wonderful new roommates and I got asked out by 11 different people and I've only been here for 8 days.. My brother says if I keep this up, I'll be married before the Fall. *I highly doubt that, but am open for suggestions ;)

HELLOOOOOOOOOOO PROVO!!!! The land of BYUigans! Hah, so I feel like a traitor sporting my "UofU" sweats as I walk home to my new BYU-approved apartments. I kinda like Provo.. It's nice here, tons of people. Being tall, super-outgoing, a little darker than most people and having REALLY BIG CURLY HAIR I tend to attract a lot of people. They come up to me from all directions like zombies-- drooling at the mouths as they "oooh" and "aaahhh" and look at me wide-eyed and run their fingers through my hair like I'm some kind of wild animal they've never seen before.. I make a lot of friends easily out here and have wonderful new roommates and I got asked out by 11 different people and I've only been here for 8 days.. My brother says if I keep this up, I'll be married before the Fall. *I highly doubt that, but am open for suggestions ;)
Sooo, yesterday was Mother's Day and I've had a lot of time this week to reflect on my own Mother(s) and how much they mean to me. Growing up, I've had many mothers growing up in so many foster homes and have gotten to see many different parenting styles from different cultures, races, religions, etc. After learning that it was impossible to ever live with my biological parents, I almost gave up hope that I would ever be a part of something so important. In foster care, I have learned how NOT to raise children as well as some good ways TO raise children. I used to think that foster care was difficult and confusing and that I would never learn how to be a good parent in the future because I couldn't stay put in one home for more than a year but little did I know that Heavenly Father knew EXACTLY what He was doing when He placed me in each different home. He was teaching me.
It was not until my very last foster home that I learned what a real Mother is. In all the other foster homes, I observed how I was just a number on someone's paycheck and a unit and many foster parents denied me of the very thing I wanted- to be considered a part of a family. Some foster parents would treat their own children like angels while the foster kids ran around in tattered old clothing with curfews and set meal-times and no household privileges. In one home, I was "not allowed to sit on the couches or furniture" because I was a foster kid and I would probably stain them. Other foster "parents" would drop me off at a library in the middle of nowhere and leave me there all day and night just so they could take their own families to Universal Studios and Disneyland. (try having a high self-esteem after all that LOL) Others treated me like I had a leprous disease and wanted nothing to do with me when I only had the flu.
I used to think that there was no end to all this torment (so it seemed) until my *Mother decided to open her arms and take me in. I was recently adopted into the home of Verne and Donna Lauritzen, who had 9 kids of their own and room in their home and hearts for 2 more (my Twin and I). I cannot physically express my gratitude for the Lauritzens. They took me in when literally NO ONE else wanted me. I got to be a part of a Family and I got to see what having a Real Mother is like. I was surprised when she allowed me the freedom to get food on my own in the house, to go out with friends and to ask her advice. She taught me to always be optimistic and altruistic and to not let fear get in the way of my dreams. She taught me how to be responsible and how to cook, clean, sew, heal and love others and was an AMAZING example of it. She took care of me when I was sick and never made me feel like anything less than her own daughter. We spent time reading Scriptures and praying together as a family and there was not one night that I recall her not giving me hugs and a kiss on the cheek before bedtime. Donna Lauritzen is the type of mother that I would be honored to be like someday and I know she loves me.
People always ask me how is it that I am so cheerful, so kind and giving, friendly, clean, positive and selfless and I know deep within my heart that it is because I have a mother who loves me and taught me to be the Best I can be. I am good because she not only taught me to be good but showed me what it was like. I am soooooooooooooo grateful to have been adopted to her on August 5th, 2010. That was the day that all my dreams came true.
*Dad, if you're reading this, don't worry, I'll definitely write about my appreciation towards you on Father's Day ;)
I love my biological mother to death and am sooo grateful for her wisdom and I imagine she somehow felt that as I went from home to home that I would end up in a good place and I'm sure she sat back and trusted that Heavenly Father would take good care of me as He surely has.
*I do not doubt my Mother(s) knew it*
Thank you Mom and Mother for being AMAZING. I will be Amazing because you were first. Happy Mother's Day.

*Picture of my Biological Mom (left) and my Adopted Mom (right)
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