I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!! But I'm not gonna tell you just yet........
Yummm I just got off work on this wonderful (cold & rainy) Memorial Day and indulged in my specialty of 3 different bowls of different cereals. :)

Whelp, it's officially been 9 1/2 MONTHS since I moved to Utah and they have been some of the Best and Worse 9 months of my life! I came out here with nothing but the shoes on my feet (and 2 cars full of luggage) and learned a lot about being an individual "baby-steps" at a time. LOL I remember first coming out here thinking that the world would end because ***The Twinz*** were separating.. I was sooo stressed and depressed (and totally TERRIFIED) when I first moved up to Salt Lake. It took me a good week before I could even start eating and sleeping right again. This was my first time ever being separated from my Twin. It was a little weird going shopping and only buying ONE of each outfit.. It was weird making food and setting out 2 plates at the kitchen table and then realizing that I'd have to put out a tupper-ware container instead because I wasn't used to there being leftovers.. It was awkward trying to talk to people and being used to people looking from one twin to the other and I had a really hard time making eye contact with people. I thought everyone was staring me down and out to get me LOL.

And finally after 9 months, I can finally say I have learned to be a GREAT people person, I have learned to take responsibility for my own actions and blaming my "evil twin" was no longer an option here. I had to use My Own license whenever I got pulled over by a cop instead of my Twin's... Had to get used to there not being an easy way out of homework and no twin here to take tests or write essays for me in school. I look at my grades and like to think to myself, "These are Mine! I did these all by myself!!!" And it's a good feeling. (ok so maybe she did help me out with one assignment but that was a debt she owed me from way back in 7th grade.. don't judge =P ) But for the MOST PART, I got my own grades. I'll just have to be smarter than her NEXT YEAR! (if she doesn't graduate before me) Besides that, I also learned how to cook and dance and make friends easily as well as being kind, generous and selfless.

It's been nice being an individual and its easy to understand why most Twins want this for themselves, especially at an older age where they are required and expected to create their own individual identities, but not many have time to actually go out and practice their autonomy. Many are forced to share their worlds at young ages then separate themselves once they're adults and yeah, it can be tough!
What I liked best about coming out here is that I was able to accomplish many things by myself. I was not known as "One of The Twinz" out here, just Corri. I was recognized and personally commended for my achievements out here and I made HUNDREDS of new friends out here, on my own. Not with anyone's help. They know now that I am a Twin, and many people look forward to meeting this "Amazing sister of mine" which is the good news I have to share with everyone:

MY TWIN IS MOVING UP HERE TO UTAH IN 2 WEEKS!!!! :D :D Afterall, I not only created my own identity out here, but I also created HERS! She's gonna come up to Utah and automatically be popular and MANY people will already know and like her because they know me. She's coming to stay with me for 2 months and work with me for the Summer and we'll basically be taking over Utah, as we dominated Southern California already. ;) ;) The best part about being a Twin is that once you're a Twin, no matter where you go or what you do or who you know, YOU'RE ALWAYS A TWIN. It's totally AwEsOmE being 2x more likely to win any contest, get casting calls; have a double-major wherever you go, having someone to try on clothes for you at stores, someone to always share food and clothes and makeup and hair products with you because you have the same exact bodies and ALWAYS having a best friend to talk to who understands Perfectly what you are going through. Followers, if you so happen to be a Twin, make *being a Twin* worthwhile, even if you are grown up or split up! No one else gets to have such a fun double-life, enjoy it!

I totally think we should have a National Twin Day.. :) :) I've been Good because I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

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