HI FOLLOWERS!!! Happy Tuesday! It's a beautiful windy day here in Provo, Utah and despite the fact that I am Totally ruining my nails on one hand while I type with the other hand, life is great!
Utah is treating me fairly well for the most part... I've never been on so many dates in my life since I moved to Provo, and its only been a month! I like to go dancing a lot (country, swing, salsa, hip hop, etc.) and I've met some super cool people at Church as well as when I'm out getting my daily "exercise."
So many people have been wondering why I'm going on so many dates and not in a relationship. I'm not too much of a picky person, but alas, there are many who "draw near to me with their lips but their hearts are far from me (Matthew 15:8)."
Let's talk about that for a sec...

It's funny how most guys I've met out here and been on dates with are very similar. I say yes cuz they're usually outgoing, attractive and compatible for the most part. Most are students, been off the mission for a little over a year, working a job that they hate (or are looking for a job) and are looking to get hitched ASAP (ya, they tell me). I dunno if its the fact that I'm a good listener and an understanding person or what, but when I ask a guy to tell me about himself, most guys here tell me about all their problems in life on the first date. Is that normal?? I always have to end up changing the subject cuz I honestly don't wanna hear it anymore. OK so I agree that it's good to know about that person and what you're getting yourself into, but when a guy starts rambling on about his debts or depression (after you got the impression that he was a totally fun guy) especially on the first date, it kinda bugs. Anyone else agree? So I've come up with a Dating recruit system that works effectively and helps me to weed out the people who are not compatible.

*Step 1- First impression
It is important to set a good first impression. They gotta stand out somehow- by humor, charisma, by being super friendly & outgoing, etc. Impress me. ;)

*Step 2- The Interview
I have a list of questions or things I like to find out about a guy:
1) Why they're in Utah- most people I meet aren't from here so I find out where they're from, what they are going to school for if they're a student, what they do now, etc.
2) What their goals and aspirations are, motivations, what they do for fun and entertainment, etc.
3) Tell me about their family- family is EXTREMELY important to me and I know this is kinda shallow of me, but if they talk badly of or don't have a good relationship with their family (under normal circumstances of course), I don't go on a second date with them.
4) Their spirituality- They gotta have standards. I ask if they've served a Mission, some of their experiences, I ask if they have a calling in the Church, how often they go and to what extent they believe. I like to date people who share the same beliefs as me; and I feel that its important that we are on the same page as far as religion goes.

After they've completed the initial interview, they are then directed to....
*Step 3- Human Resources
OK ok so this is the natural "girl" in me that wants to find out about that person from others. Its not that I don't trust the person, I just like to be on the safe side cuz there are many who appear as "sheep in wolves clothing." I don't specifically ask people to tell me about everything they know about this person, but I just like good references and I also ask people what they think. And of course I don't base my entire decision on what others say because there are certain things that I have to learn about a guy by getting to know them better, or by simply inquiring of him.

*Step 4- On-the-Job Training
Just kidding!!! Yeesh, I'm not that picky! Hahaha but well, a guy does have to have manners and be polite and a gentleman of course, but they should already know that and a girl should NEVER have to remind them.
Well as far as steps 5-Eternity goes, I imagine we'd talk about those steps together. I haven't been that far yet (obviously) so I don't know what to expect but I imagine that the right guy will eventually come around and he will voluntarily be all that I hope for. I may or may not know who he is now but I look forward to working with him someday.
I know I'm going to make an Excellent wife and mother someday so as picky and critical as it may seem, it's important that I find someone Amazing.

So there you have it, Followers, especially those who are Single but live Wonderful Young Lives-Be good now, for you are preparing yourself for Better things in the future. ;)
and now you like all the other girls in utah. :(
ReplyDeleteI guess so.. :)
ReplyDeleteTalofa Corri, it's Tupua. THIS IS FUNNY YET REALLY AWESOME!!!! I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE SAID. I have the same expectations of a girl but I know right now I'M WAY TOO FOCUSED ON MY CAREER TO GET INTO A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP AND WHAT ABOUT THE "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT FACTOR" I mean, I wanna be in love with the girl and not just settle because she meets all the requirements to be an eternal companion. The girls I've been in love with either moved away, found out we were cuzzins or became pregnant by some other guy, got married while I was away....the other girls are madly in love with me but i WANT TO FEEL THE SAME WAY TOO ABOUT THEM and not lead them on. ECK! That should be another blog. WHAT'S YOUR TAKE ON BEING IN LOVE, FALLING IN LOVE OR LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? IS IT OK TO SETTLE OR KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE???
ReplyDeleteLove your blog..sorry i didn't get to meet you. I am in the Jurupa Stake and enjoyed reading it! Happy Forever after! The BEST is yet to come!