Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy I know its been FOREVER since I last wrote a blog.. Hopefully I haven't lost any followers and blogging isn't totally outdated since the last time I went on.. I've been super busy with finishing up school and Summer work, but life can't be better! So here's the Latest Greatest news of whats going on in my Wonderful Young Life!!
1) I graduated YMO- Yes, it is hard to believe. I'm grateful for YMO and all of its guidance in my life. Everything I learned there was necessary and useful to me in all aspects of life. There were SO MANY times that I complained about their service and their constant nagging and urging me to save save Saaaaave money, do things in advance so I can enjoy free time, work ALL THE TIME, budget, save more, and do better in school. I will admit as an alumni, it was not easy to get though this!! But I did. There were so many times that I said to myself that I can just take my savings and take off- hit the road and live wherever I wanted and not have to deal with Them anymore. Wow what little did I know a few months ago!! ..I'm glad that I was able to remain patient with my mentors, case manager, therapist and youth advocates, even unto graduating the program. The director, Thomas Lee, took me and my mentors and a few other YMO youth to a nice high end restaurant to celebrate my graduation . It was nice to see everyone there collectively happy for me (Yes. That moment it was all about ME and I loved it! Karri hasn't graduated yet, so they did not recognize her efforts, even though she came along) and the many compliments they gave me-- I wouldn't have stop them if my life depended on it. I'm glad to have a good head on my shoulders and I'm glad that I am able to make healthy life decisions- its very rewarding and its nice to have so many people that are happy for me. Especially since I'm an adult now and there's no one to hand me a cookie and tell me "good job" anymore- all I can do is be good and make good choices and hope for verbal recognition at times. Even if I did not get that, its always nice to know that there are MANY people out there who love me and want the best for me, regardless if they tell me or not. 2) I passed all my classes with Exceptionally good grades- that was NOT easy. This entire last year it was a struggle to stay awake in such boring classes- I took Communication Theory, Public Administration and American Childhood (which was interesting actually.) I had no clue whatsoever if I was going to survive that last quarter- it was challenging and my classmates were not making it any better by getting upset whenever I asked too many questions in class. School seems to keep getting harder and harder as I progress, and the only thing that was keeping me motivated for the last few years were mentors online who sent me weekly emails to remind me to be my Best and do my Best. This was Tina Raheem and Mary Imler of the Orphan Foundation of America. They are my guardian angels, I know it. With their motivation and inspiration, I managed to pull off a B, an A- and another A-. Whoop whoop!!
3) I SEPARATED from my twin- No its not the type of separation that makes people think of an argument that instigated it. I needed this- I am 21 years old and in Desperate need of learning how to be an individual!! Its not easy now, but it was a little harder when we first split up. I figured it was a good idea to move to a nearby (but separate) location before pursuing the BIG move to Utah, as I have planned. I have about a month left before that happens, of which I will be blogging every step of the way!
At first, the whole "move" thing was awful. I have new roommates and I automatically Expected them to share, be as organized as I am, to like the same things as me and to just click with me, since it was so easy to do with my Twin. Whole 'nother story there, haha. I have learned to be compatible with them for the most part, but at times it is still difficult because I forget that they do not know me that well. I am a neat person as far as housing goes and there are times when I get anxiety because my Twin's not there and it puts me into mega OCD modes and I start cleaning and detailing every aspect of the house. I like to make my weaknesses work to my advantage, and this is clearly one great example of this. I do need to work on my interpersonal and intrapersonal skills more and realize that people cannot read my mind. Luckily I do have many opportunities to bond with my new roommates, and its easy because they're such nice girls. I feel that its healthy and necessary to stay sane in life that an individual has some sort of personal bond or close relationship with SOMEONE. My twin is still in the picture- we hang out all the time, but a lot of times whenever we're not together, I often have to step back and realize that I have wonderful friends among me who are caring and who would love to talk and be a Sister influence anytime. It was so easy to always be with my twin, to a point where there was no challenge at all. Its great- we were so close that I did not even have to speak at times and she would already know what I was thinking about. We never fought and it was so easy to always be happy because she, as a companion was always in the same mood as I was. I've learned to toss my angry or upset emotion out the door since I've been so blessed in life. Growing up as a twin, we were unstoppable, and I understand that even though we are separated for a short period, we will always be the best of friends and our bond can never break. I still need to learn to be more considerate of others and not fall into the habit of thinking that life will never be as good as it was with my twin. It may not actually, but along the way there are many valuable lessons in life that I must learn while I am "emancipated."
Although these are only 3 major changes in my life, there are and will be many more, so keep in tune and I will be writing more often! Remember kids, NEVER let anything allow you to be unhappy!! I once heard that ONE MINUTE of being upset, angry, mad or disappointed is 60 WHOLE SECONDS of lost happy time. =D Take care folks, and my next blog will be up soon!!
Twincerely, Corri