If you are receiving this blog as an email and cannot read the writing, follow the link to www.icorri.blogspot.com for your conveneince.Speaking of Sports:
Sooooooooooo today is Sunday, February 6th, 2010. I had a wonderful Sunday and I went up and shared my Testimony with everyone in Sacrament meeting in Church today. The Spirit was so strong there today and I felt peace. After Church today (I confess) I went to a Super Bowl Party at a friend's place (Go Packers) and ate TONS.. I also learned a lot about the sport of football. Last night I went on a double date to my very first basketball game ever and then as I rapidly inhaled my share of a rather large pizza, I used my acting skills to pretend I was interested in an hour long conversation between my date and the other couple about SPORTS. I was interested in my date, just not the sports he was talking about because I know literally NOTHING about sports!! I just didn't get it..
Of Gimps & Guys:
I think the thing that totally devalues me is my lack of knowledge about ANYTHING that guys talk about!! I thought I understood them well. In all honesty, people find it pretty pathetic that I'm from California and seem so sheltered and innocent (childlike, as they see it). I don't participate in dirty conversations, I don't like it when people curse around me, and I don't know what the real meaning of "perdiddle" is.. =/ (Well I picture some gimp walking one day and he sneezed and he ran into a moving car with his face, which blew out a light, that's the sound he made as his teeth were individually put out of their misery..)
Sheltered Suspicions:
I was not allowed to watch TV in many of my foster homes growing up, and once I emancipated, I figured that I did not need a TV as a college student and so I haven't really watched TV for years. People always talk about news and TV shows that go on and I usually have NO IDEA what they are talking about. Like The Office, Glee, Survivor, ALL OF THEM!!! I haven't seen any of those shows. I did not play any sports growing up, and those that I was forced to participate in (in P.E. classes), I did not do too well in. I think it's fair to say that I AM LIVING PROOF THAT IT'S POSSIBLE TO SUCK AT *EVERY* SPORT. That's one of the main reasons why I chose modeling and acting instead.
Pathetic Perceptions:
I feel like I am a sophisticated yet simplified version of a person-- like I somehow skipped a few years of experience that most normal people need to make sense of the world. Here's a few other random but almost pathetic things about me that I never knew I never knew: (don't judge LOL)
-I don't know how to roller blade or ride a bike (it's been so long, I forgot!)
-I do not know how to divide, add, or subtract fractions
-I still can't divide double-digits
-I have NO IDEA what's going on in Egypt right now or why everyone out there is acting so injudicious there- just know it has something to do with their President??
-I haven't read a full book (from cover to cover) since like, 4th grade
-I went Trick-or-Treating last Halloween and ate all my candy too ;)
YET, I am currently taking highly complex graduate-level classes in one of the Nation's highest achieving Universities.. it is here where I have met some of the smartest people- students who are used to getting 4.0 grades since like, kindergarten! The University of Utah.. Boy do I feel privileged!! :D
As a matter of fact, THIS IS GREAT!!!!! I am living proof that it IS POSSIBLE to get so far in life and miss some of the basics! :D But I'm not the only one, I mean, 95% of Americans think cows drink MILK!! HAHAHAHAAA!!!! Here I am, being a 5th year college student, in the process of acquiring the knowledge required to pursue my future career, inevitably taking on life's courses one at a time while I manage and lead a healthy and balanced life, yet, I have more fun playing with kids than talking to adults!! I almost feel as if I'm an adult version of the kid I was growing up, only it comes and goes and I can be whatever I want. I-I am BRILLIANT!!! I realize that I am a great actor- one who is cleverly disguised as a responsible adult! Not even disguised- but I literally can be both!
-I can dress up professionally at a job interview and go in and ACE the interview, all while having a plastic princess tiara in my purse, stuffed animals on my bed at home, and then celebrating afterwards by ordering a kid's meal at Subway!
-I still jump on my bed and am obsessed with Princess movies & I sometimes eat cake for breakfast or wake up at 3am just to draw pictures.
-I prefer bendy straws and juice over soda and energy drinks. (I actually HATE soda)
Now what does this have to do with sports or guys or being sheltered growing up?? I have a confession to make- NOTHING!!!! =P

Here's a cool quote I found:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles," 1992 (commonly misattributed to Nelson Mandela, 1994 inauguration speech)
Have fun and be yourself! Who cares what others think?! I honestly feel that being true to ourselves is what make us thrive inside. :) Happy Sunday, followers!