Monday, March 15, 2010


So I just found out that more people are hearing about my blog and enjoying it- and Sooooooo I will make a pledge to write more!! I'm grateful that my words are intriguing! Woo hoo! Pretty soon I'll have THOUSANDS of followers! Just gotta get my name out there, ya know. I'm not a boring person.. I'm actually quite humorous, super random and extremely outgoing!!

So last Friday after a dance that I went to, my friends and I all decided to caravan to the nearest In n Out because we were super hungry after alla that dancing! I was overwhelmed by the abnormally long line inside of In n Out so I devised a simple yet BRILLIANT plan! My plan was to go through the drive through and get my food way faster than anyone else, and just as my friends were making their orders or waiting for their food, I'd stroll in like a VIP with my food prepared and blow it in all their faces!! Yeahhhhhh that was the perfect idea!!

...Too bad it was only an idea and not reality though.. Once I got into the drive thru, I realized that there were 4 cars in front of me, 3 cars behind me, and after waiting for almost 20 minutes WITHOUT MOVING, I realized that "I ain't goin' nowhere." That was the most HORRIBLE, GRUESOME, AGONIZINGLY PAINFUL WAIT I'VE EVER BEEN IN LINE FOR!!! The line wasn't moving AT ALL!! So me, being myself AND being super hungry now, I got a little impatient. I parked my car, of course, for safety purposes, and opened my door. I turned my radio on all the way up and blasted techno music and got out of my car and started dancing around my car. I was jumping around, standing in the doorway of my car bouncing and making the car move, and running around my car in circles. IT WAS FUN!! EVERYONE'S GOT TO TRY IT AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIVES!! No, I was not drunk, or high, or crazy..

Welllll, the people in the truck in front of me thought there WAS something wrong with me. They didn't see a hungry young adult- they must've saw something else, because they threw an empty beer can at me!! It was the worse thing ever!! I explained to them that I was straight and that I was just an outgoing and hungry person and that all I had were Jellybeans . I was very surprised after seeing that, so I got back in my car. I guess they understood after that, because they turned their music on high also and drove away as the drive-thru line FINALLY moved up.

I learned a valuable lesson that night as I walked into In n Out as my friends were finishing up their food and getting ready to leave- How grateful I am that I do not drink, or smoke, or do drugs!! I am grateful that I have the sense and the decency to recognize things that are bad for me and my health and that don't bring any type of happiness whatsoever!! I AM REALLY GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF MY FRIENDS who don't do those things either. I can be around good influences all the time and I can have MORE FUN knowing that they will not tempt me to ever break the law or get into any type of trouble. And they love me and they are all AMAZING!!! That's all for now. Keep following me! I have MANY more good stories to share!! =D Tchau!

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